President Trump will pick William Pryor for Supreme Court

I believe that President Trump will pick William Pryor for the Supreme Court.  Here’s why:

  1.  He’s a staunch conservative in that he holds to the original intent and meaning of the Constitution.  He would be a fantastic replacement for the late Justice Scalia in that sense.
  2. He actually did NOT support Alabama Chief Justice Moore who defied the federal government on a court ruling in 2004 regarding the 10 Commandments on state grounds.  He follows the rule of law.
  3. The main reason the media gives in objection is that the Democrats in the Senate won’t like him because he isn’t a liberal centrist.  That’s almost like an endorsement.
  4. He’s the most pro-gun out of the bunch.  I think the President will reward the NRA members who endorsed him early and worked hard for him during election season to ensure a good pick.
  5. Pryor is the one that the media complains the most about.  Enough said.

He will get nominated and he will get appointed.  #MAGA continues.

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